Today is boxing day. The information shows that every shop will
discount in this day. However, the trues is 90% shop were closed
since X'mas day. We went to Chatswood to find something to eat.
Finally, we followed Rose to the Iran restaurant. It was really nice.
今天是澳洲一年一度的特價日 照著資料上所寫的 許多商品在今
天都會打折 而結果是 從聖誕節之後 九成以上的店家全部都關店
啦 所以我們只好到Chatswood去逛逛 亞洲人多也代表著開店機
會高 最後我們聽從Rose的建議到伊朗餐廳去 這真的是 用我們
白話講就是太屌了 屌翻了
The white one is cheese...
According to Rose saying, the taste is original Persia style. The
customer here all Persian. This is my first time to go to Persia
restaurant. Everything is special for me.
根據Rose所說 這家餐廳的口味非常道地 客人也都是伊朗人 我
可是第一次品嚐 像我這麼好奇的人自然是覺得超級新鮮的啦
They will mix the butter to the rice, toasted the tomato. The important
is the lamb is really tasty. You won't believe how they cook, so wonderful
他們料理很特別 竟然會把奶油和飯拌在一起 而番茄也是
烤過的 這不打緊 羊肉可真是美味透了 小當家跳出來煮都
沒辦法讓仙女蹦出來唱歌 你無法想像他們怎麼料理的 再
用白話講一次 屌翻了
Traditional Persian girl
Iran is unfamiliar for me. Before I met Rose,
I thought Iranian is black. The fact is they are
kind of white people, the words like Egypt is
right to left. Oh, the original name of Iran is
Persia.I guess everybody heard this name
before.She said Chinese affect Persia very
much, I guess maybe it was happened thousand
years ago.
同時伊朗對我而言也是陌生的 在我認識Rose我
大概覺得伊朗人是黑色人種 很常打仗 很亂 就這
樣 而事實是 他們是白的 當然五官跟歐洲等西方
人士是完全不同的 和埃及一樣字都是從右寫到左
對了 伊朗古時候的名字叫做波斯 以前讀過歷史的
話應該會哇的一下 搜得死尬 她還說古時候的中國
影響波斯很多 也許從漢朝開始吧 千年前的故事我
They are proud of the history
I really like this sculpture. I remember I watched the movie
about Alexander attack the persia, the Persian's palace
have this sculpture. It was really beautiful.
我真的超喜歡這雕像的啦 我記得以前看亞歷山大帝時 他們
最後攻佔波斯王朝 宮殿也有一模一樣的圖像 屌翻了
- Dec 27 Thu 2012 15:54
伊朗美食 Iran gourmet